NGOs ensure development, which entails the engagement of all people on an equal footing. They are vital in informing and encouraging people to fight for their rights. Every NGO is required by law to hold meetings on a regular basis.
This article will explain the concept of meeting in a simple manner.
General Body Meeting
All members of an organisation jointly constitute its General Body. A general body meeting is held regularly once in a year which is commonly called as “Annual Meeting”. An annual meeting is held for discussing the activities of the organisation carried out, the progress made and its achievements during the last one year. The general body also discusses and adopts the accounting results of the organisation for last financial year.
A General Body Meeting may also be held to decide any important issues like expanding organisatoins’s activities in other fields, adding some new objectives to its memorandum, appointment of new members of its governing body, etc.
Notice, Time and Place of General Body Meeting
The organisation should give a notice to the members about the time and place of the general body meeting. The notice should be served at least a week or 10 days or such period before the date of meeting as may prescribed under the rules and regulations. The notice may be served either by post or where the members are residing in same local areas, under a notice register.
Minimum number of members required to constitute a valid meeting and to transact business is called quorum. If no quorum is present, there can be not meeting and any resolution passed or any other proceedings held thereafter shall be invalid. Quorum for an annual general meeting is fixed by the articles/rules and regulations of the organisation. If within half an hour ( or such time as may be prescribed) from the time appointed for holding a meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next at the same time and place or such other day, time and place as the Governing Body may determine.
Chairman of the Meeting
For the proper conduct of business at a meeting, a chairman is necessary. His appointment is regulated by the articles/rules and regulations, which normally provide that the chairman of the Governing Body shall preside at every general body meeting. If, however, there is nothing in the articles/rules and regulations or if the chairman is not present within a reasonable time after the time appointed for holding the meeting, the members present at the meeting shall elect one of themselves to be the chairman.
Minutes of the Meeting
Minutes is the brief summary of the proceedings of a Meeting. For details refer Chapter ‘Minutes’.
Governing Body Meetings
The Governing Body exercises its functions by holding periodical meetings. The Governing Body meeting should be held according to the provisions of the articles/rules and regulations. The following procedure should be followed for holding a Governing Body meeting:
- Follow the procedure laid down by the articles/rules and regulations for issue of notice. In the absences of any provision in this regard, the secretary or any other person authorised by the Board for this purpose should issue the notice.
- Give notice in writing to every member of the Governing Body at his usual address.
- The Notice may be sent earlier by post or under a Notice Register.
- Generally the agenda of the meeting is accompanied by the notice.
- Keep the minutes of the previous Governing Body Meeting ready for confirmation by the Governing Body and for signing by the chairman of this meeting.
- Hold the meeting on the appointed date and see that the prescribed quorum is present.
- Discuss the business in the meeting as per item of the agenda.
- Keep in the agenda an item called any other business where under any urgent business which is not specifically mentioned earlier can be taken up.
- The proceedings of the meeting should be recorded in a ‘Minutes Book’.
All members (including Office Bearers and Executive Members of the Governing Body) of……………. Society are hereby informed by this notice that the Annual General Body Meeting shall be held on………………..(day)………………………..(date) at 11 A.M. at………………..(place), to discuss the following:
- activities of the society during the last year, progress made in various fields and its achievements;
- annual accounts of the society to be laid before the general body;
- a special grant of Rs………….for the victims of Gujarat earthquake to be sanctioned with the approval of general body;
- to appoint a Governor in place of Sh……………………….., whose term expires on………………Sh…………..qualifies for re-appointment and has expressed his willingness for the same;
- to appoint M/s…………………Chartered Accountants as auditors of the organisation for the period upto the next annual general meeting.
All members are requested to reach in time at the meeting place.
Thanking You,
Dated………………….. ……………………….
(General Secretary)
Name of the Organisation………………………………………………………………….
All members of the ……………………….Society are hereby informed that the annual general meeting of the society shall be held on………………….(day)…………………..(date) at……………………(time) at……………………………(place). The agenda of the meeting shall be as under:
and so on.
All members are requested to reach at the meeting place on time.
Thanking You,
Dated………………….. ……………………….
(General Secretary)
Notice Received
1. ………………………… (Member’s) Name) …………………………………..(signature)
2. ………………………… (Member’s) Name) …………………………………..(signature)
3. ………………………… (Member’s) Name) …………………………………..(signature)
4. ………………………… (Member’s) Name) …………………………………..(signature)
5. ………………………… (Member’s) Name) …………………………………..(signature)
6. ………………………… (Member’s) Name) …………………………………..(signature)
7. ………………………… (Member’s) Name) …………………………………..(signature)
*Dr. Deepak Miglani, Email id.:- [email protected]