Discharge of Torts in India

In certain circumstances the right of action in tort is extinguished. In such cases the tort is committed but no action can be maintained and if a suit is brought it shall be dismissed. In such cases the wrong-doer is discharged from liability of tort. The circumstances in which ‘a person is discharged from the … Read more

Damages for Nervous or mental shock

By ‘mental shock’ is meant a shock to the moral or intellectual sense; by ‘nervous shock’ a shock to the nerve and brain structures of the body. The phrase ‘nervous shock’ is generally used as a convenient caption for discussing the cases on the subject, but the words, ‘nervous’, ‘mental’ or ’emotional’ shock are now … Read more

Rule of Novus Actus Interveniens

Novus Actus Interveniens literally means, “a new intervening act”. As a general rule, damage is said to be too remote where it is caused by the intervening act of human volition of a third party, or when the injury to the plaintiff might have been occasioned by the intervening act of volition on the partof … Read more

Remoteness of Damages

According to the doctrine of Remoteness of Damages, damages are said to be too remote, where the causal connection between it and the defendant’s act is regarded by the law as not sufficiently direct to create responsibility. It is also known as the doctrine of Natural and Probable Consequence. This doctrine is also expressed by … Read more

Is malice relevant in Nuisance?

A lawful act does not become unlawful merely because it has been done with a bad motive and unlawful act does not become lawful because it has been done with good motive. This principle has been laid down by the House of Lords in the case of Brandford Corporation v. Pickals. The House of Lord … Read more