Compensation to victims of crime : Constitutional and statutory provisions


Compensation to victims of crime is an old concept. In primitive societies, the blood feud was compounded by extracting compensation in kind from the offending group. The chiefs, elders or kings imposed the punishment to prevent feuding within the same tribe. The modern compensatory jurisprudence to the victims of crime is prevalent in many countries. … Read more

Various means of obtaining compensation by the victims


Various means are obtained by a victims of the offence for compensation. But there is a procedure which needs to be followed. The compensation has to be ordered by the court. Compensation can be sought through the procedure established by the court. Compensation is awarded for material as well as non-material damages. Material damages include … Read more

Restitution to the Victims


Restitution involves the court, as part of a sentence in a criminal case, ordering a defendant to compensate the victim for losses suffered as a result of the crime. All states have laws providing that convicted defendants pay restitution to their victims. Public policy favors imposing restitution as part of a sentence to force the offender … Read more

Effects of victimization


Question:- What are the effects of victimization? Answer:- Victimization leaves grave impacts on the victim’s physical health, mental health as well as financial state. It leaves an impact on an individual’s ability to perform across a variety of roles, including those related to parenting, intimate relationships, and occupational and social functioning. It causes disruptions in … Read more

Victim: Meaning and Kinds


Question:- Who is victim? How will you classify the victim or Define Victim. What are kinds of victim. Answer:- Meaning of Victim “Victims” means persons who, individually or collectively, have suffered harm, including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that do not … Read more

Role of victim in crime


Question:- Describe the role of victim in crime. How does he contribute to the crime? Answer:- The criminal-victim relationship is called “victimology” and it is considered as an integral part of criminology. Recently scholarly attention and involvement have developed about the victim as a constituent of the criminal situation. For scholars of criminology and law, … Read more

What are the rights of victim of crime?


Question:- What are the rights of victim of crime? or Describe the various victim rights. Answer:- The criminologists were concerned with crime and criminals only but now the attention is also being paid on the victims who sustain injuries or death due to offence committed by another. As a scientific study of the victims position, … Read more

Victimology : Its scope, importance and judicial contribution


Question:- What do you understand by “Victimology”? Describe its scope, importance and judicial contribution to it. Answer:- Meaning of Victimology According to Schaffer Stephen “Victimology” is the science which studies criminal victim relationship. According to Drop Kin, “victimology” is that branch of criminology which primarily studies the victims of crime and everything that is connected … Read more