Email Fraud

Cyber Law

Meaning of Email Fraud Email fraud is the intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual through email. Almost as soon as email became widely used, it began to be used as a means to defraud people. Simply stated, mail fraud can be defined as unlawfully using the postal system to gain … Read more

Cyberbullying: A crime on internet

Cyber Law

Meaning of Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is an attempt by one or more minors to threaten, intimidate, belittle or make fun of other minors using a mobile phone or computer, and can be a criminal offence. This must take place between two minors, if an adult is involved it is considered harassment, stalking or sexual grooming, not … Read more

Email Bombing: Causes and Effects

Cyber Law

Email has revolutionized the way people communicate with co-workers, loved ones and anonymous strangers. However, it also created new avenues for harassment and attack. Email bombing is a malicious attack that at one time was powerful enough to interrupt access to your email account and sometimes the entire server on which it was hosted. Email … Read more

Email Spoofing: Working and Process

Cyber Law

Email spoofing is the forgery of an email header so that the message appears to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam often use spoofing in an attempt to get recipients to open, and possibly even respond to their solicitations. Spoofing can be used legitimately. Classic examples of … Read more

Different Modes and Manners of Committing Cyber Crimes

Cyber Law

Cyber Crime is criminal activity involving the information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public transmission of computer data to, from or within a computer system), data interference ( unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data) , systems interference ( interfering with the functioning of … Read more

Cyber Terrorism: Meaning and Its Nature

Cyber Law

Meaning of Cyber Terrorism Cyber terrorism refers to attacking computers, networks, and other electronic technological capabilities to either damage the cyberspace infrastructure itself or to damage some other target, motivated by terrorism. Such attacks may undermine faith in government and in the security of the critical infrastructures of the country. It is well known that … Read more

Cyber Gambling : A Brief Introduction

Cyber Law

Cyber gambling is one thing that became very popular in the Internet. The Internet has changed the way we live to a large extent. Many physical entities online have increased and have become practically available to anyone who has access to the Internet. Online gambling, betting online or as it is called, is the process … Read more

What is Cyber Crime?

Cyber Law

We may define Cyber Crime as- “criminal activity involving the information technology infrastructure, including illegal access (unauthorized access), illegal interception (by technical means of non-public transmissions of computer data to, from or within a computer system), data interference (unauthorized damaging, deletion, deterioration, alteration or suppression of computer data), systems interference (interfering with the functioning of … Read more