How to draft an Arbitration Agreement?

Arbitration Agreement

Section 7 of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act defines arbitration agreement.
An Arbitration Agreement is formed when two parties enter into a contract and agree in writing that any disputes arising between them out of that contract will have to be resolved without going to the courts and with the assistance of a neutral person: a third party appointed by both of the parties, known as the Arbitrator, who would act as a judge and whose decision will be binding upon the parties.

Draft of an arbitration agreement to settle joint family disputes

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An agreement made on this…………………day of…………………..2022 between AB…….. (Name of First Party S/o…………………and resident of……………..(Address of the first party) aged about…………………………….. The ONE PART, and CD……..(Name of Second Party) S/O……………………(Name of the father), resident of………..(Address of the Second Party) age………… (mention the age) of the OTHER PART witnesseth as follows: WHEREAS the parties above named … Read more